Saturday, April 5, 2014

The Backstory


Over my winter break I connected with Bethany for the first time in years.  We graduated together in eighth grade, I didn't keep up with any of my old friends*.  Anyways, so she Facebook messaged me and we got frozen yogurt and spent hours talking and laughing.  She mentioned that her and Heather (another friend from our graduating class!) were going to India in late May.  I've always wanted to go to India, but I was also thinking about applying to be a counselor the whole summer.  I think deep down I knew that I would be going on that trip, but I was scared to acknowledge it.  

Before I knew it, I was back at school and trying to get back into a routine.

But I couldn't get India off of my mind.  One Sunday, I spent time praying about what God wanted me to do this summer.  I didn't have a job back home, and I knew that it would be smart to work full time.  

But as I was praying, I felt God's calling so strongly ... 

He wanted me to die to myself and give the summer of 2014 to God.

I would love to say that I did just that right away ... but it took some time.  I really tried to wrestle with God - even though I knew that he would win. :)  But it was good ... I was forced to take a good, hard look at my life and recommit every single area of my life back to God - and I still have to continue to do that everyday!

But anyways, I handed in my application to LCMI.  Over my spring break I met with the wonderful people there, applied for my passport, and wrote and distributed my support letter!  It's been a whirlwind, and some days I can't believe that this is actually happening!!

This trip is perfect for me!  The main thing I will be doing is teaching a music class.  Well, at first I was excited but now I'm kind of scared.  I mean, I can barely hold my own up here at college!  But then at church on Sunday we were talking about how all these "great" men messed up.  This verse is quickly becoming one of my favorites :)
1 Corinthians 1:27
But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. 
 So - even though I feel like I am not adequate, I know that through me, God will be able to touch the lives of those that I will meet!  A couple pages later, Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 12:9 ...
But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."  Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses so tat Christ's power may rest on me."
So there you have it, folks!  This is where I am at right now ... I'm hoping to post tomorrow about where I'm at financially.

Prayer Requests/Praises:
  • I was able to get my Hepatitis A shot for free through my university!  Come one, It's the small things that are exciting :)  I just need to find someone willing to drive me 30 miles so I can get the rest of my shots (this doesn't have to happen right away).
  • I'm looking for 2 more dedicated prayer partners!
  • And you can continue to pray for my passport, communication among the staff, finances, and that my faith would continue to grow as I prepare for this trip!
Thanks for reading!

*I feel really bad about this ... I'm sorry everybody!


  1. So, I guess I need to read & reread those verse as I too have to die to myself and let my "little girl" go off a foreign land. Like I told you, I am behind you 100%, I just might not seem quite so excited about it. :)
