Monday, March 31, 2014

plea for prayer partners

fun fact - I borrowed this picture and the one 
from the last post from LCMI's facebook page (here)

Hey Everyone!

So I'm sorry if the last post was a little information heavy ... but I really wanted to get everything out there.

I had my first training session via Skype, and some important details are actually coming together!  I think that things are actually starting to feel real!

Okay, so the most important thing that I need for this missions trip is prayer!

I am looking for a minimum of 10 prayer warriors that can commit to praying for me at least once per day in the weeks leading up to the trip, the time that I spend actually serving in India, and in the days after as I adjust back into "reality"!  If you feel like you're up to the challenge ... let me know!  And I'm not limiting the number to ten, that's just a nice, beefy number :)

And, while I am on the subject here's a few prayer requests to get you started :)

  • Passport!  I submitted my application last Saturday, and until I receive it, LCMI is unable to book airline tickets, and I am unable to apply for my visa.
  • Communication on all fronts would continue to be healthy ... there's staff in India, back at home, and I'm on the other side of the state ... but I think we're doing a good job so far!
  • That I would be able to get the finances that I need by April 23rd :)
  • That I would constantly be desiring to grow deeper in my faith in the Lord as I mentally prepare for this trip.
Thanks for reading :)

Sunday, March 30, 2014

My Adventure

**Here's a modified version of my support letter ... I feel like it gives a general overview of the details!**

Hey guys!

I am so excited to tell you about an amazing opportunity that God has provided for me!  On May 22nd, I am planning to travel to India for 16 days with Life Change Ministries International.  LCMI focuses on reaching Central India’s children with the Gospel through a summer camp based ministry.  During the camp, the Gospel is shown to the campers of all backgrounds and social castes.  They also participate in worship time and receive one-on-one attention from counselors.  This camp is unique because it allows the campers to transcend the social boundaries that divide India, such as religion (the majority of campers come from a Muslim or Hindu background), and the caste system.  My time in India will be spent teaching a music class, helping to lead worship, and most importantly – pouring out God’s love to the campers and staff!

An outside perspective might say that a mission trip at this time does not make sense … and that voice certainly has its merit!  The lack of finances, projected temperatures of 120° F, and time away from family could easily be very discouraging!  However, I strongly feel God calling me to India.  Ever since my eyes were open to the immense need for God’s love worldwide, I have felt a pull towards India.  It could be the female oppression and domination of the sex slave industry, or the darkness that holds the caste system in place.  Either way, I am incredibly excited about this opportunity! 

Now that you understand a little bit of my heart for this trip, I am asking that you partner alongside of me in two ways.  Most importantly, I am looking for prayer support as I go through this journey!  Passports, Visas, and immunizations still need to fall in place, with the extra hurdle that I will away from home until two weeks before I leave.  Also, all training will need to be done through Skype.  I would also covet prayers for myself, and my two other teammates as we prepare for this trip spiritually, mentally and in all other aspects of our lives.

Finally, I am also asking for financial support.  The trip is estimated at costing $2800.  This cost covers my travel expenses, passport renewal, immunizations, room and board, and all other expenses.  It also helps to bless the camp in India by providing funds for things like equipment and food.  LCMI would like to have this money by April 23rd.   If you would like to support me financially, or have any questions, leave a comment and I will get in touch with you!  I will be away at college until May 10th , but I'm hoping this blog will become a central place for communication.

Thank you so much for joining me on this adventure!